Friday, January 28, 2011

Ichibancon January 7-9, Charlotte NC

This was my first time attending Ichi. It was only the second year for the con, but man is it going places!! It had all the growing pains you'd expect (not enough space, too few volunteers), but they tried really hard. It was held at the Marriott Executive Park, which is the same hotel ConCarolinas used to be in before it got too big.

I arrived on Friday with my beau. Reg was very fast (we walked by the table twice without realizing it), and then found our roomies. I didn't take any costumes, something I regretted quickly. It was a very costume friendly con. I wandered a bit and ran into quite a few con friends. One nice thing about hitting as many local cons as possible is that you see the same friendly faces.

Saturday was a MAD HOUSE. There wasn't enough room to breathe much less walk. Considering the economy it was nice to see the con packed even if it was annoying. I stayed in the room with a few of the roomies for most of Saturday night. There wasn't enough room to see the Costume Contest and all the panels were full. It was still a good night though. It always is when you stay with friends. :)

Sunday was another day of running into familiar faces and hitting a few panels. Sundays are always mellow and this was no exception. I wish I could have stayed longer, but with a 4 hour drive and work the next day I wasn't in a position to stay.

All in all I had a good time and plan on returning next year.

Next Con: Roundcon - February 18-20, Columbia, SC. I'll be doing panels as well as running the costume contest.

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